
Donovan Carter - Legacy - “Working Towards Your Legacy”



Donovan W. Carter II, was born in Washington, D.C. and found himself drawn to acting at a very early age. His early credits are "Stand and be Proud" a music video in the wake of the L.A. riots, and the play, To Kill A Mockingbird. Shortly after he discovered his love of sports. He later received a full ride football scholarship at UCLA. Interest in entertainment was re-ignited by his stepmother, who acted and performed as a vocalist. He pursued a career in acting, finding success almost immediately being casted as "Vernon," on the HBO show, “Ballers”.Hear more inspirational stories like Donovan's on the Pray app:“You don’t want to wait ‘till you’re on your deathbed to be worrying about your legacy . . . start it now . . . start small and work your way up, and build your way up.”