Heavy Mental Podcast

Drugs & Alcohol: Addiction & The Road to Recovery with Jack Keogh



In this week's episode, we chat with Jack Keogh, a mens style blogger from South Wales who, in the face of adversity, turned his life around with the help of human connection. Jack has now been clean and sober for five years and we're positive that this episode will serve as a complete inspiration for anyone facing their darkest day with addiction. In an honest and open account, Jack talks about how as a child living in fear and disconnect from himself and everyone else, he turned into a man with the same afflictions, but gained a battle with drugs and alcohol so intense, that it stripped his life bare of anything worth caring about. Both of us have been really touched, educated and inspired by Jack's story, and we think you will be too. This is a first-hand account of what living as an addict is really like. Leila + Rhys X