Escape The Matrix

#7 Fiverr - Building a 6 Figure Business 5 Bucks At a Time


Sinopsis Did you know you can pay someone $5 to design your business a new logo? How about have them write you a 300 word article? If your website crashes, you could pay an IT guy $50/hour to check it out, or you could pay someone $5 to fix the issue! We use everyday to help us with our most basic tasks that take time but aren't hard to do. The things listed above are some examples of things that we've had done. Others are gaining hundreds of Facebook or Twitter followers, or hundreds of YouTube views! You can have someone create content, boost your content, and spice it up for you, and it's all just 5 bucks away. With all these simple tasks combined with your entrepreneurial mind and creative juices, you can build a 6 figure business, listen to see how we did it!