

Less is more... We've all heard this phrase, but do you actually know what it means and why it's true?The phrase less is more means that having just the essential things is better than having way too much of superfluous things.It allows you to focus on what matters.Recently I sat down to lunch with the lovely Kit Whelan, co-founder of 7in7 Digital Nomad Conference, which is an amazing vision of 7 conferences being held in 7 continents over 7 years!I am actually honoured to be a keynote speaker at the 7in7 conference in Wellington, New Zealand happening 22-28 October.I'm going to be speaking about prioritizing what matters the most in your life and will definitely be touching on LifePilot and what it's meant to living with intention and making my dreams a reality.Kit told me that after this event, they're holding a Reading Retreat in a castle in Scotland, which to me sounds simply delicious.And it clearly did to others too as it sold out in a day, and for good reason, because people are craving to take time ou