

Side hustles - could they really replace your full time income?You bet they can. In fact creating your own side hustle is becoming quite the trend. With bestselling books like Side Hustle: From idea to income in 27 days my friend Chris Guillebeau just released, and there are many blogs and podcasts dedicated to it.Having a side hustle is a great way to test and validate that what you want to build is actually going to fly, before you quit your job or throw your life savings into a business that hasn't made a sale yet!Judging from a State of the Side Hustle survey of over 2,000 people done by Podia this year, the online course/ digital downloads/membership space is only going to grow in the foreseeable future, as more folks are looking to leave their full time employment to make a go of creating passive income than ever before.If you're a content creator who's been looking to make a profit from your side hustles, then this episode of Untapped is perfect for you, as Len Markidan, Chief Marketing Officer at Podi