

Could you be attempting to solve the wrong problem when it’s actually really your mindset that’s needing to be transformed? Have you tried to change your habits or worked harder to improve your business and life? And then you get to the point where you ask yourself, "Why is this still not working?". It's technically because you are doing the wrong thing. It's not about the actions that you are doing or not doing that's making the difference. It's actually what's happening in your mind that's actually the biggest challenge you have that needs to be solved. My friend Osmaan Sharif is back in Season 5 of Quest for Freedom to continue our talk about Mindset Freedom. We discuss the Rapid Transformation Formula, solving the right problem and his top tips to shift your mindset when your mindset is holding you back. Of course it takes courage to shine the spotlight onto YOU.  But when you get to the root of the real challenges you may be facing, then positive & long-lasting  transformations for your business and