

In the previous episode, we discussed two major emotions that can hold you back from living out your ideal lifestyle. Now that you’re prepared for what is to come, we need to discuss the most important question you will encounter along the journey to lifestyle freedom. What is important to me?! It’s both extremely simple and extremely complicated. We all seem to know some of the things that are important to us such as maintaining our fitness and cultivating meaningful relationships. However, very few of us have actually explored some of the most basic human needs and figured out the type of actions we need to take in order to thrive in those aspects of life. Today, this is what we’ll be discovering together. Discovering Your Ideal Lifestyle: Imagine that you’ve woken up one day with the ability to do absolutely whatever you wanted. You have no monetary restrictions, all of your friends and family are ready to join you in your adventures at a moment’s notice, and you are able to travel anywhere with ease. What