

I am on a mission to help you find more personal freedom in your life every single day. That’s why I write this blog and produce the Quest for Freedom podcast. In order to make my mission a reality, I’ve been working on a bit of research background around what personal freedom really means to you and I. This is really what the true essence of this podcast is and it’s going to become much more about this from today on. That’s because, a couple of years back I had this HUGE vision. It was so big it scared me. How was little ol’ me going to conduct the world’s first research into freedom and create a framework that allowed people to figure out where they were on the scale of freedom?! Despite my fear (that always comes after a burst of enthusiasm at a new idea), I put together the vision at and started getting survey responses when I put it out to my community. Maria Nicholas came on board to volunteer her time looking into how we could turn my vision into a framework and I created the 7 Phases