

In my previous episode called You are the answer’ I talked about the results on my business that my sabbatical had. Namely all the changes I made before taking time off - new website, new brand, new systems - and how they initially negatively affected the business. I think this is partly because it was too much change all at once. Now, fortunately the changes are making a positive impact on my business and the results we track weekly. But it seemed pretty dire at the time! Then I realized that this happened in my personal life too, with the complete 180 degree flip I’ve made since April. I tell you, business is one thing but massive life changes are something else! As Shana Aborn said in her article Coping with Life Changes: “For many of us, disruption to familiar routine sparks anything from mild anxiety to extreme terror. Maybe something's been pushed on us, like being downsized or getting sick. Just as likely, we've made a risky but necessary choice, like relocating to a new town or having our elderly pare