

I’m ready to have a rocking 2017, are you? As 2016 rolls to a close, I thought we could all do with a healthy cocktail of inspiration, motivation, practical advice, and actionable tips. So I reached out to 16 of your favorite previous guests on my show and asked them what their one piece of advice was to have the most successful year ever. From Chris Guillebeau to Michael Port to Jill Stanton to Matthew Kimberley, they all delivered in spades. In this episode I asked the question: What do you need to make 2017 your most successful year ever? Here’s what you’re going to learn: How to figure out how to set goals in alignment with your higher purpose Top advice on reverse engineering your success How to really niche down and stop using a one stop solution for everyone How to develop the capability to create a bigger impact by taking on more responsibility A productivity trick to create a year’s worth of content in just a few days A simple tactic to align your thoughts with your actions so you can achieve big go