

One of my favourite things to talk about here on the blog and in my podcast is sexy systems. Why? Early on in my business I learned that if I organized my business processes and automated as much as I could, I could get more done in less time with less effort. Which means, you got it, more FREEDOM. Maybe you're not a systems person, and that's ok. I didn't think I was either but as soon as I realized how crucial smart systems are, I couldn't get enough of them. I dedicate a lot of time and space to them in my flagship program, The Freedom Plan, because they can help you truly create freedom in business and adventure in life and I'm living proof. Even though I've long valued systems, there's always room for improvement which is why I brought Amy Mitchell onto my team earlier this year to help refine and tweak mine. Amy looooves systems. She loves to find ways to tweak and improve any business process to save as much time and effort as possible (which means more freedom and often more revenue too). In today's p