

What are we all doing here anyway? Pretty deep question, I know, but this is something that keeps coming up for me. When it comes down to it, we are all looking for more purpose, more depth, and more meaning. But, practicing and creating habits that make every single day more rich is a mission of mine, and Jonathan Fields shares that sentiment. In today's podcast episode, Jonathan tells us about his new book and shares his approach on creating his best life which includes a simple daily check in to create awareness and guide behaviour. He talks about how he's able to reserve time for vitality, connection, and contribution and how maintaining those areas of his life has become non-negotiable. Listen in to this episode to learn about: What the Good Life buckets are and how you can use them to create a better life Why optimizing systems are the key to freedom How forming habits can impact your quality of life Why gratitude is one of the greatest influencers of happiness What a gratitude visit is and how you can