

Freedom doesn't always mean living out of a suitcase and jumping from country to country around the world on a whim. For the past 6 years that has definitely been how I've chosen to design my lifestyle, but over the past year, my Freedom Plan has been evolving. And, the more my Freedom Plan evolves, the more people I meet that are seeking Freedom on their own terms. And that's really it, isn't it? Freedom is whatever you want it to be. It's unique to YOU. It's whatever suits your desires, allows you to live the way you want to, and do work that lights you up that supports your lifestyle. In today's podcast episode, Joel Zaslofsky talks about the moment that led him to seek his unique Freedom Plan and his journey to achieving his goal to leave the corporate world. He shares some of his daily rituals and how he uses gratitude and meditation to love his work and be present with his family. Listen in to this episode to learn about: Joel's morning routine that helps keep him on track for his goals Why you deserve