Unsolved Mysteries Of The World

The Historic & Haunted Dumas Brothel in Butte, Montana



Please visit our show sponsor the Sip & Shine Podcast - www.sipandshinepodcast.comThe Haunted Dumas Brothel, Butte MontanaIn 1888 French Canadian brothers Joseph and Arthur Nadeau invested in developing a large brick hotel on Butte Montana's East Mercury St. – the booming mining town's entertainment district. The investment would pay off as the hotel was a glamorous front for housing women of ill repute.In the 1870's ladies would sell sexual services on the main thoroughfare through town and eventually would erect tents and false front buildings to ply there trade. As Butte grew, so did other businesses and eventually the ladies of Park Street, as they have become known, transferred their work to the south side of town. Butte was notoriously dangerously wild and gambling houses, saloons and brothels sprung up to serve the thousands of miners working nearly 18 hours a day in the copper, silver and gold mines.The Dumas Brother's purchased a plot of land on one of the busiest streets that entertained the min