Unsolved Mysteries Of The World

Old Hag Syndrome S01E07



You wake up unable to move, completely paralyzed. You feel something, something evil within the room. You are able to stare blankly at a horrible vision.The Old Hag.Legend tells us of a superstitious belief that a witch - or an old hag - sits or "rides" the chest of the victims, rendering them immobile.The experience is so frightening because the victims, although paralyzed, seem to have full use of their senses.In fact, it is often accompanied by strange smells, the sound of approaching footsteps, apparitions of weird shadows or glowing eyes, and the oppressive weight on the chest, making breathing difficult if not impossible.All of the body's senses are telling the victims that something real and unusual is happening to them. The spell is broken when the victim is fully awake and well completely baffled by what just happened to them since now the room is entirely normal.Confronted with such a bizarre and irrational experience, it's no wonder that many victims fear that they have been attacked in their beds