Dr. Isabel Md Inspires

Erectile Dysfunction and Nutrition, WHAT?!



Erectile Dysfunction and Nutrition, WHAT! Hello, everyone! It’s Michael, Nutritional chef at Doctoronamission. How’s it going today? Yup, as usual, I am taking you out for a walk.So today, this is a PG message today, because we’re going to talk about Erectile Dysfunction and Nutrition. WHAT? I know, I know… What’s that going to do with anything. Guys, if you’re listening, pay attention. Ladies, if you’re listening, pay attention and pass it on to your guy. Okay? But take the kids out of the room, alright? 18 and over type thing here, alright? But like I said PG, no worse than that. This is going to be informative.Let’s talk about Erectile Dysfunction and Nutrition. Recently, I was attending a summit, a world summit on food and health. One of the top subjects was about men’s health and particularly erectile dysfunction. Did you know, which I didn’t know, that Viagra was originally by the company Pfizer started as a pill, a drug for heart disease and high blood pressure? Isn’t that interesting? I