Armchair Reviews

16. American Made... Poorly



Chris and James head to their second Tom Cruise flick of 2017 in another team up with director Doug Liman to bring us American Made. Don't let this "Based on a True Story" fool you, though, because the truth is stretched quite a bit. The story of Barry Seal and his smuggling escapades is intriguing but the final product in this film just seemed to fall flat. Can't win 'em all eh, Maverick?Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!Chris: @christophgodin and @christophergodsJames: @McKayJ14 and @MckayJ 91OREmail our show ohmygodinaudio@gmail.comShare, Like, Comment, or Suggest a movie you might want us to check out. Past and Present alike! See for privacy and opt-out information.