Frost & Sullivan Podcasts

Four Disruptive Trends in Security



Topic Discussed : Four Disruptive Trends in SecuritySpeaker: Alix LeboulangerKey takeaways:Frost & Sullivan has identified four different trends disrupting security operations as game changers to augment mission success and multiply forces capabilities on terrainThe combination of new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, and new recipients such as wearable devices and unmanned systems that makes it very promising to security forces. . Deploying semi-autonomous and remotely-controlled systems into security operations has been slower to implement at the anticipated scale due to technological and legal barriers. However, the rising emergence of new technologies such as AR, cloud based storage and communications, and AI-enabled traffic control are bringing more certainty and realism into the picture, with therefore more likely manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T) operations at the horizon.Machine learning based algorithms have been initially deployed in evidence collection an