Remso Republic

The Character Assassination of Andrew Meyer ("Don't Tase Me Bro!")



Andrew Meyer went from being a well respected journalist to one of the first viral internet memes in a matter of moments when he simply asked Senator John Kerry why he was so quick to concede the 2004 election during a speech Kerry was giving at the University of Florida in 2007. Meyer's was then brutally tasered by local police for no justified reason whatsoever on camera. The legend of "Don't Tase Me Bro!" was born and Andrew doubled down on his efforts to continue questioning the Establishment in politics and the media as his journalistic journey has now led him to his own show ("American Revolution") and column at Cernovich Media. Don’t forget to support the program on Patreon to get rewards and other exclusive content. Sign up now by visiting: Follow the Remso Republic: Facebook: Twitter @Remso101 --- Support this podcast: