Introspective Insight

ii - 076 6 Black, Harvey, And Mr. 10 Seconds



Peace, Love, and All That Good Stuff! WoS- Voluptuary - A person whose life is devoted to the pursuit and enjoyment of luxury and sensual pleasure. QoS- "Anger and intolerance are enemies of correct understanding." Off-Topic- Business over Pride Topic - How sacred? How sacred is sex with another person to you? Do you understand that this is a spiritual connection? Does this matter or can you separate this as a just a act. Even if you can, is it healthy to your relationship/friendship to start having sex? The Dating App World King Dev had an interesting conversation this past week about dating and using apps in new places. This was interesting because I did not know people actually took these things serious. Now don’t get us wrong we are not judging by any means, live your best life, let's just dive into how effective this apps are or aren’t. What are we really here for? Thank you for checking out this episode of Introspective Insight: The Black Wallstreet Podcast and we hope you come back next week