Introspective Insight

ii-064 The Saga Continues: A Story To Learn From



Peace, Love, and all that good stuff! WoS – Blinkered – Narrow-minded and subjective; unwilling to understand another point of view QoS – “Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.” Off-Topic – LeBron’s iPromise School Shannon aint show and we had a story to tell ! Although we are loyal to the joke and not the broke we bring enticing content to the forefront every week. Introspective Insights main goal is to bring real-life scenarios to the forefront so you can listen to them and reflect on them. No matter your race, religion, color, creed or sexual orientation you can take these real-life scenarios that we discuss and learn from them. Although our content is relatable to everyone, it is primarily created with the intent to uplift the black community and rebuild the black wall street mentality. By the end of each show, the purpose is to edutain (educate + entertain); all while being uncomfortable; because growth and knowledge are formed outside of our comfort zones. Than