Introspective Insight

ii-056 Sexy Noellea and Chronic Jail Addicts



Peace, Love, and All That Good Stuff! WoS – Misery- Distress or suffering caused by need, privation, or poverty QoS – “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.” Off-Topic – Let that hurt go sis…bro Talking points: Balancing your 9 to 5 and your side hustle Balancing life in general is a task in itself. To think balancing life, your 9 to 5, and whatever side hustle you might have adds fuel to your already busy life. We will discuss ways you can be more effective balancing your 9 to 5 as well as your side hustle. Maybe you are an entrepreneur but can’t find the time to work on your business. We will discuss when it is the right time to work on your own brand as opposed to the company that currently employs you. Miserable at your job; what’s next? We will discuss possible reasons why you can be miserable at your job. What are ways that you can avoid being miserable at your job? What are your other options? What industry do you want to fall into? Is the job that you are choosin