Marketing On Tap

Episode 24: Dark Social - The Marketing Trend for 2019?



With the release of the Edelman 2018 Trust Barometer (, it's clear to see a trend of dark social being utilized by social media users. With people's trust in social media dropping to only 41% globally, perhaps the increase in dark social should come as no surprise. With 2018 being a bad year all round for social networks, with the rise of fake news stories, influencer bots, and more, are we seeing the decline in public social media, and more private, controlled use? In this week's episode of (, we look at how dark social is on the rise, what this means for brand marketers in 2019, and how your business can adapt to this new marketing trend. Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (