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#48 - Venom



Like it or not, Venom has arrived, and Chris and Jenna are somewhat surprised by their reaction to it. Join us as we talk about tater tots, Ronald McDonald wigs, and Tom Hardy's genuinely zany performance.In what ways does this movie feel like an anachronism in the superhero movie world? Are the makings of an interesting story hidden somewhere in this script? And why couldn't Riz Ahmed have chewed the scenery a lot more? Listen to find out.Reviews/articles we reference:Vox: "Venom is a fun, twisted rom-com disguised as a bad superhero movie" by Alex Abad-Santos: "A Review of Venom as Written by One Movie Critic and His Evil Alien Symbiote" by Sam Adams: "Venom Is a Surprisingly Solid Action Movie That Just Wants to Show You a Good Time" by Charles Pulliam-Moore: Us: h