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Website Foundation Series: Part 3 Website Hosting Choices



Website Foundation Series: Domain Name, Hosting and Site BuildingLet's get back to basics with this Foundation Series. I teach many social media classes and website building workshops over the years and many times I get asked some fundamental questions about putting together a website. This 3 Part Series will cover the 3 elements that you need to have a website.Part 1 Domain Name Selection - Jan. 24th @ 11 am (Podcast will be linked when completed)We will cover what you need to consider when choosing the domain name for your business website. What options you have if your first choice is taken. Domain names are your virtual business address on the web so let's make them count.Part 2 Website Building Options - Jan 31st @ 11 am In Part 2 we will run through the various website building options that are currently available on the market. From turnkey options like Weebly or Wix to Wordpress or Joomla CMS, and E-Commerce in between. There is an option to fit all budgets - really there is!Part 3 Website Hosting Cho