Green Gab Podcast – Green Homes, Green Living And Green Companies

How Can You Be Comfortable and Get the Most for Your Energy Dollars?



I’m Marla, the Green Home Coach. Thank you for joining me today for another chapter of my book, Living Green Effortlessly: Simple Choices for a Better Home.  Simplifying has been high on my list right now, and my book can help you make some simple choices for a better outcome!  With the help of my book, we will be covering another set of systems and features of your home to help you make the best of them, either as they are or if you plan to upgrade them.  In this episode, we will be covering Chapter Three: Energy Efficiencies. How Can You Be Comfortable and Get the Most for Your Energy Dollars? I know that is something we are all trying to do, so be sure to stay tuned for more! Where do you start when you want to start greening your home? You should start with whatever is affecting your comfort right now. If you are cold, some of the systems that come into play are the building envelope, the heating and ventilation system, the windows, the window coverings, and even the ceiling fan.  This chapter This chapte