Green Gab Podcast – Green Homes, Green Living And Green Companies

Shabby Chick Natural Cleaners That Actually WORK with Amber Malcom



Shabby Chick and Everyday Green Home are partners Everyday Green Home and Shabby Chick Cleaners have partnered up, and today, we have Shabby Chick, Amber Malcom, with us to spend a few minutes talking about some of the seventeen Shabby Chick products that are featured on Everyday Green Home. These cleaning products have all been designed to make cleaning your home green and simple.   About Amber Amber Malcom is a natural lifestyle products enthusiast and entrepreneur. When she and her husband moved to a farmhouse, in 2014, to raise their three kids, they had a very hard time cleaning the house up properly on a tight budget.    Looking for a natural alternative After a fruitless struggle with trying to find commercial cleaning products that worked effectively without being hazardous to their health, Amber started looking for natural alternatives. She spent countless hours researching, trying out different combinations of ingredients, and product testing. Finally, her hard work paid off.   A whole range of prod