What Else? The Podcast

Biche, aka Mark Schwarz: Part 1 [Episode 002]



In this episode, Mark “Biche” Schwarz talks about going to law school in his 40s, talking a classmate into quitting law school, maintaining focus on work, running a recording studio, and the inaccessibility of past versions of ourselves. He also muses about music he likes/liked, including The Who, Van Morrison, and The Police—and the unique sonic character of Ghost in the Machine. And he talks about having/developing a musical ear. In this episode, you’ll hear a little more chatter from me than I’d like, in part because of the setting, but also because it was a now-rare opportunity to spend time talking with Biche, and we’ve been close since we were little kids, so it’s easy to get excited and fall into “conversational” mode rather than “interview” mode. There’s a second part of this conversation that will be released later.Recorded outdoors in scenic Uptown, Chicago. Enjoy Biche!  --Thanks to the Chicago Podcast Cooperative for hooking up our sponsorships (you can learn more about them at ChicagoPodcas