Taking Ship

Frank returns and we prepare for the oncoming clown car pile up



At long last, our Master of Sea War, Frank Spring returns to join Maggie Moore and Elie Jacobs aboard a fully staffed Salty Jason's Revenge. A quick detour into the upcoming clown car pile up which will be the democratic primary debates, before turning into the heavy weight no one has been waiting for: Biden vs. Booker and we end off with the cherry of the New York Times' showcase of just how dumb politicians can be in Dumbest Timeline America. Also, you should get more sleep. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/us/politics/2020-candidate-interviews.html  Does anyone else think Tim Ryan looks like a slightly younger Judge Marshall Eriksen (aka Judge Fudge)? Tweet at us: @takingship (or Maggie: @MaggieM012 or Frank: @frankspring)