Upstage New York

Tales Of Old Albany - 01 - My Now Departed Friend, The Death of Alexander Hamilton



Nearly everyone now knows the story of Alexander Hamilton thanks to the popular Hamilton: An American Musical. What many people don’t know about are Hamilton’s connections to Albany. From the moment he married Elizabeth Schuyler, Hamilton’s history would be forever intertwined with Albany’s. Hamilton was not only Eliza’s husband, but he was Major General Philip Schuyler’s son-in-law. Hamilton was frequently in Albany, both at the Schuyler Mansion and trying cases in the Supreme Court. He, Eliza, and their children often visited the home. Abraham Ten Broeck's son Dirck was a mentee and former clerk of Hamilton's, who had a lunch date with the patriot on July 11th, 1804 - a lunch date that Hamilton, tragically, would not keep. When Alexander Hamilton died on July 12, 1804, 214 years ago today, it wasn’t just New York City, the place he’d most recently called home, that mourned for him. The citizens of Albany, including the Schuylers and the Ten Broecks, all deeply felt his loss. Creative License In partnersh