Aint No Free Lunch

Episode 38 - SCOTUS Decisions 2020



Episode Thirty-Eight: Danielle and Taikein nerd out over the 2020 United States' Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions. We discuss the state of the court given the Trump appointees, who the swing voters are, unexpected rulings, and the implications of all of it on US society.  Digging into the judicial branch is essential and we take on that task. Let's Eat. #ANFL #aintnofreelunch Follow us on Twitter: @aintnofreelunch @dmgreene18 @TaikeinCooper Two Black millennials discussing how to create change in these streets - an hour episode at a time. Let's Eat. Track features: "Busy School Cafeteria" by SoundEffectsFactory "RSPN" by Blank and Kytt Audio production by: Melissa Vaughan