Duke Loves Rasslin

LGBTQ+ Wrestling Fans Discuss Nyla Rose: Duke Loves Rasslin Week 195



LGBTQ+ Pro Wrestling Community(LPWC+) is a group of Pro Wrestling fans & Indie Wrestlers that have come together to foster inclusive and safe spaces online and through meet-ups in order to promote their wrestling fandom. On this week's episode of the Duke Loves Rasslin Podcast, I have a detailed discussion with Marvelous Marco Mania, Brian, JB & Lola Starr about what it means to them to have a Black Native Transgender Woman, Nyla Rose, win the AEW World Women's Championship. This exclusive discussion covers a wide range of related content including: * The Impact of Nyla's victory on the LGBTQ+ Wrestling fanbase* Concern with the Commentary of Jim Ross during #NylaRose matches* Thoughts on AEW crowning a Transgender Champion before WWE* Should Nyla have a long title reign* Other LGBTQ+ Wrestler Icons*Much More! *You can hear the latest episodes of the Duke Loves Rasslin podcast on leading Podcast Apps such as #Soundcloud, #ApplePodcasts, #Spotify and  many others. Entire archive can be found on #Y