How I Sold The Tesco Delivery Man On A Cup Of Coffee



Let me tell you how I sold the Tesco delivery driver on a cup of coffee. Now I didn’t literally SELL him a coffee, but I sold him on the IDEA of having a coffee. Because look, you’re always selling. Whether you’re selling a customer on a new service, or a member of staff on a new procedure or your kids on what time they’re going to bed. You are either selling, or you’re being sold to. So it stands to reason that becoming better at selling (or influencing) is an important skill to master. SO IT’S SATURDAY MORNING So it’s a Saturday morning and it’s raining and the Tesco van pulls up. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m always well impressed when my shopping rocks up and get genuinely excited. So as the old guy emerges from the van, I shouted “Would you like a coffee?” To which he replies “No thank you, I don’t have time. But thank you.” So without missing a beat, I waded straight in with “A hot, freshly ground, cup of the best coffee you’ve had all week.” And he said “Go on then, but just half a cup.” Now al