Why You Must Tell Your Personal Story



People do business with people. Yet we forget this and believe that people do business with our company. They don’t. They always do business with you, because your business is just an extension of you. Think about your favorite film. What is it? And why do you love that film? Is it because of the story, the cinematography, the special effect? More likely, it’s because of the characters in it which you connected with on some level. Fans of Apple love their products, but fell in love with Steve Jobs. They believed what he believed which helped them to form a strong and deep connection with him and his company. TELL YOUR STORY You’ve got to tell your story. Explain where you’ve come from, where you are now and where you going. Explain what you believe and why you believe it. Tell people your flaws. Tell people your passions. Use the words that you would use. It won’t resonate with everyone, but it will resonate with the people who matter. HEAR MY STORY You may have already seen this on the homepage or up above,