Transform Your Team With An Above The Line Attitude



What I want to talk about today is something that’s had a huge affect on my life, and has a big impact on my client’s lives, especially on their teams that they have in their businesses. It’s all about an above or below the line attitude. I’ll bet you’ve come across this before, but basically above the line, is all about ownership, acceptance, and responsibility; and below the line, is blame, excuses, and denial. It comes down to where is your response? Where does your attitude lay? Is it an above the line or below the line response? Now the most important one above the line for me is responsibility. By accepting responsibility for everything, it means that you are able to respond. This is a very powerful position. It means that we can do something about it. Whenever we’re blaming other people, making excuses, or denying that it’s happening, it keeps us out of power. It makes us a victim. It means that we can do nothing about it. And while it’s nice to think that you’ve an above the line kind of guy or kind o