Get Results Faster With A Daily Battleplan Like @Grantcardone



It is so easy to become distracted when you’re in business for yourself. There are people who want to waste your time, tasks which seem important but aren’t and just the massive amounts of crap you’ve got to deal with every day. Staying focused on what’s important is a huge challenge, which is why I’ve developed the Battleplan of Battleplans to keep me, and you, on track. I become easily distracted. It’s just so easy. Who’s emailed me? Who’s that calling? Who’s that text from? Ooooh, who’s just connected with me on Linked In? Should I grab a coffee? Hi, not seen you for a while. Of course I can help. It is so easy for your day to become hijacked with the noise of the World & we lose site of the key tasks we must do each day. If we are to stand any chance of achieving our goals we must stay laser focused on the few, critical tasks that need completing each day. HOW I DEVELOPED THE DAILY BATTLEPLAN Over the years I have studied the World’s leading business experts on daily goal and task setting. The likes of Ji