Vibration Radio Network

B.Fly Welcomes Lyrical Soul Artist " EXISTENCE" Orustus Ade



On This Episode of The Beautiful Butterfly Radio Show We Welcome Lyrical Soul Artist Orustus Ade, as he Shares details on his Upcoming Album " Existence " produced by Music Producer and Composer Stephen Jerome Ferguson.   Meet Our Guest: Growing up a child along the Mississippi in 1975 meant many things for music pioneer and poet Orustus Ade'. His most prominent memories are of a strong woman & mother of 4 Althea Womack who raised him through the best means possible from the turbulent streets of New Orleans to the countryside of a small town known as Kentwood, LA. Althea Womack dedicated her life as a caretaker, nurturing underprivileged people who were challenged and less fortunate, at the same time trying to make her household as secure as possible for her family.  Orustus, the 2nd of 4 children, lost his father Charlie Petty to temptations in the streets of New Orleans.  This brought about trying consequences later on, revealing a critical turning point in his young life.  Orustus knew things woul