Vibration Radio Network

B. Fly Welcomes Author Tamika Newhouse " The Words I Didn't Say"



On This Episode of The Beautiful Butterfly Radio Show We Welcome Special Guest Author, Publisher and Entrepreneur Tamika Newhouse, As she gives the Inside scoop of her latest Release " The Words I Didn't Say" and The Great Events and Books you can Expect from her in 2018.   Meet Out Guest: From teen mom to CEO by the age of twenty, Tamika Newhouse, the author of 13 novels, has landed on numerous best sellers’ lists and is the winner of 8 African American Literary Awards. Only nine months after debuting her first novel in 2009, she landed a major publishing contract without an agent and went on to become the CEO of Delphine Publications. To date she has published nearly 150 titles, launched the careers of hundreds of writers, and produces the only entertainment award show for African American writers, called the AAMBC Literary Awards. In 2010, she was inducted into Who’s Who in Black San Antonio. In 2011, her company Delphine Publications won an African American Literary Award for Best Anthology, and for t