Vibration Radio Network

B.Flys Poetry Lounge: The Man, The Myth, The Legend Who is Urbn Vudu??



Urbn Vudu...The name in itself sparks so many ideas in the minds of folks... Throuh his poetry he sets the record straight. UrbanVoodoo is the combination of two distinct ideas, Urban in terms of the inner city which bred my style and Magic which the sound is designed to create City Magic. He is affectionately called Urb by his friends, he is original from New Orleans, Louisiana home of the Spicy Creole Culture that has permeated the urban sound for decades.  Urbn is merely a branch off that same tree. He writes concrete. There is no imaginary man holding the microphone here. He was raised in two distinct localities where the cultural norms are as different as Denmark and Hamburg are to each other, even though the two countries are both European. I was raised in California and Louisiana. He grew up in a very stable tribal environment in his 9th ward locality of NO and eventually he was raised by the hardened streets of INGLEWOOD, CA. where childhood is often eclipsed by reality and dreams are like the yearn