Victory Christian Center | Vienna Campus

When You Went Through That What Went Through You | Part 1



Our church family spans over multiple locations in Northeast Ohio & Western Pennsylvania. We are people of all ages and a mixture of many ethnic backgrounds. Dress at any of our locations tends to be business-casual, but there is always a mixture of ties, blue jeans and shorts. Services are an hour and a half in length with twenty-five to thirty-five minutes of praise and worship. Our music is a blend of old and new and we use a variety of instruments to aid us in our worship to the Father. We are a Presence driven church. Our desire is to usher in His presence and let Holy Spirit have His way. LEADERSHIPCampus Pastors | Pastor Joe & Donna ThomasVictory Leadership | Bishop David & Pastor Kathie ThomasDownload our app today: iOS: Phone: