Heavy Mental Podcast

The Identity Episode with Leila & Rhys



This week’s theme is all about: IDENTITY.In this episode, we chat about: The meaning of identity and how it is shaped.Our own perceived sense of identity and what that means to us.How social media has an effect on identity and how we can have multiple online personas which are strands of our core identity.The relationship between identity and mental health.Living out of alignment with who you know you are deep down.We also talk ways in which you can get to know yourself better and we cover Rhys’ bi-monthly identity crisis and how he overcomes that.Thematically, we also cover:Counselling, therapy, the Johari Window model, values, self-esteem, body image, stress and a whole lot more.Anyway, please enjoy our chat, all about IDENTITY.------If you're not already following us on Instagram, what're you waiting for!?