Heavy Mental Podcast

The Self-Limiting Beliefs Episode with Leila & Rhys



This week’s theme is all about: SELF-LIMITING BELIEFS — we also cover a bit of IMPOSTER SYNDROME.We chat about our experiences with our own self-limiting beliefs: how they’ve held us back, where they came from and how we’ve tried to overcome them.Is it conditional, genetic or experiential circumstances that leads us to having these beliefs in the first place?We talk how certain negative experiences as children really shaped our belief system growing up.We also chat finding a mentor, positive encouragement and learning to fail.We (I mean me, Rhys) also talk about Elon Musk, more than once — fanboy much?Thematically, we also cover:Growing up, parental influence, mentors, childhood trauma, Elon Musk’s inventions, inner child work, therapy, the hero’s journey, ADHD, shame, embarrassment, self-awareness and self-reflection.Anyway, please enjoy our chat, all about SELF-LIMITING BELIEFS. Remember: the person who says they can and the person who says they can’t are both right.------If you're not already following us