"tapp" Into The Truth

Migration Blackmail & Global Minimum Corporate Tax



Republicans are reacting with anger and disbelief to a proposal by the Biden administration to send cash payments to Central America to combat the migrant crisis -- describing the plan as "madness." Some are calling this plan to send cash to Central American nations and crossing their fingers “Immigration Blackmail.”  Public policy analyst and Professor of Finance at Stockton University, Dr. Michael Busler, Ph.D. will join me once again to discuss the plan and the most likely outcome should they move forward with it. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has proposed a "global minimum corporate tax" to prevent companies from moving operations overseas if President Joe Biden hikes corporate taxes. David Morgan, the Chief Editor of The Morgan Report, and Co-author of Second Chance: How to Make and Keep Big Money from the Coming Gold and Silver Shock-Wave, is scheduled to join me to discuss this idea.