Heavy Mental Podcast

The Manifestation Episode with Leila & Rhys



This week’s theme is MANIFESTATION.Is it a load of crap or is there some actual truth to it?Leila talks about manifesting a canary in a cage and Rhys talks about manifesting…ill health due to health anxiety.During the episode, we chat about: Our own unique experiences with manifestation — both good and bad.Experiences that other people have had with manifestation.Visualisation and goal-setting.Health anxiety (again).“The Secret”.The Law of Attraction.Hope, faith and belief.Whether a low mental state/mood manifests more of the same.Whether there is any truth to manifestation — in our opinion.Whether there’s a scientific explanation for manifestation.How to manifest.Just so you know, our conversations are completely unfiltered, unedited and happen very organically.Also to note, we’re not professionals — if you’ve heard us speak, you will know that. We’re just a couple with a passion for nattering about our mental health and trying to navigate our way through the mad old game we call "life".We explore these topi