Gresham, Smith And Partners - Today I Learned 2018

June 2020 Early Release



In this month's edition of TIL we will talk about the Covid-19 Virus company updates. Then we will also talk about what we learned from working at home, new VPN technology coming soon to our offices. We will also talk about how conferencing will work when we get back in the office. A big move for our PT group's documentation moving to SharePoint and our IT Help Library. Covid-19 update July 6th - for now  Working from home - what did we learn Survey results New VPN Technology coming to our offices soon It's new tech! Direct Access was older tech It's redundant. We have two servers handling connectivity - across two separate connections to our Datacenter  Testing right now How will conferencing work when we come back into the office (for Teams) All conferencing units (video and room sized audio) have been upgraded across all sites Cove phones are NOT upgraded and will be replaced Practice Tech Documentation moving to Share Point Why When will this be done. What does it really mean to the pr