Code Grey(s)

Episode 43: Where the Boys Are



We have a LOT to cover with Episode 7 of Season 3 -- mostly related to weird gender essentialism and unhelpful depictions of trans lives! We start, as always, with our episode Rounds (3:43) plus a discussion of our respective positions on THE GREAT OUTDOORS. Then, we move into Yang's much-deserved poop duty (13:00) and a comprehensive guide to the Monopoly tokens; the unrealistic idea of any of these men camping (23:55); what are we doing with this "manliness" storyline and why do Walter and Joe have to be subjected to toxic heterosexuality in their free time (28:00); unpacking how Grey's tries (and mostly fails) at its first trans storyline (34:50); Addison and Callie -- a ship that never really got its chance to sail (51:25); and this episode's M&M (1:02:40) which features some very comforting words from Kali Rocha's Dr. Sydney Heron. Wash your hands and see you next week!