Preheated Baking Podcast

Ep 115: Salted Chocolate Sophisticate



Andrea’s cardamom obsession is fueled by a recent listener-suggested recipe for Banana Cardamom Update-Down Cake from King Arthur Flour, and Stefin’s got some desserts that appeared “Previously on Preheated” that would be perfect for St. Patrick’s Day. Then it’s on to a review of Tartine's Salted Chocolate Rye Cookies – were these a hit with the younger set, or an indulgence for adult tastebuds? Next the hosts introduce this week’s bake along: Milk Chocolate Pots with Citrus Shortbread from BBC Good Food, which may be the epitome of an Andrea dessert: just a few ingredients, four steps, shortbread, citrus, smaller batch … too bad about the dreaded jug! Finally, your hosts answer the call for Kitchen Safety 101 during a short segment designed to keep you safe and sane in your happy place. You can read the complete show notes here. Bake along with Stefin and Andrea in their baking Facebook group, Preheated. You can find links to recipes on their baking website, or follow the hosts on