Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

EP28: You Were Made For More



You Were Made For More People need to understand that we were not put on Earth to be mediocre, rather you were made for more. Too many people live life in miserable mediocrity. I’m happy if you have indoor plumbing, a roof over your head and you are paying your bills. It’s great that you have hot water, HBO, a cell phone, etc. All that is great and it means you are doing OK. However, there is a much bigger world for you to explore and it exists so that you can experience it to your full potential. Don’t set the bar too low. Raise it up and try to do more. One of my favorite quotes that former NC State basketball coach Jimmy Valvano liked to say was, “Every day ordinary people do extraordinary things.” He believed and that’s how he lived his life. I sincerely want you to take on that mindset because you can do extraordinary things if you decide to do it. The Alliance does the “Do.” We sell, recruit and build. We limit the other “stuff” because it prevents us from getting things done … NOW. One way to make sure