Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

EP20: What You Do Matters



What you do matters. People that continue doing things are more successful than people that sit on the sideline and watch. It is impossible to score in basketball if you are sitting in the stands or you are stuck on the end of the bench. People that play the game, whatever the game is, are the people who become successful. I can encourage people and offer advice on what they should do, but it boils down to a person deciding to do something. Take action or don't. There's no in between if you want to be successful. You will make mistakes and mess up? That's OK. Live in the moment. Don't rest of what you did in the past. Winners figure that out. Don't get stuck on failures. Move on. Try something else. Be an example to others of what can happen when you MOVE and focus on doing. Make a difference in people's lives, encourage people on your team to take action and make the most of every single day you are blessed with. You have all the opportunity in the world to do everything you want. How bad do you want it? Are