Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

EP15: Do The Do with Andy Albright



One of the biggest keys to being successful in your life and in business is being able to consistently stay focused on doing the "task" at hand on a regular basis. When I am working with people I find out where they are and where they want to go. I also find out exactly what actions will help the person move in the right direction. See, if you can find out exactly what you need to do and do that then you will be more successful faster than if you are confused and not focused. The Alliance knows that we "Do the Do" and that means selling, recruiting and building. Take a few minutes to write down what tasks you need to be doing right now. Also, write down the activities or items that you need to start working on so you are not just thinking about the short-term basis. When you can get dialed in and only focus on tasks that move you toward your goals and dreams your life will be easier and you will get more done. Figure out how you can "Do the Do" to MOVE in the right direction to success! As always, please be s